Friday, April 27, 2012

A Tribute to Blogging

Considering this semester was my first blogging experience, I have to say it was pretty fun. If I had to describe blogging then I'd say it was somewhere in between Facebook posting and formal writing. It was really nice to be able to express my ideas of each assignment in an environment that wasn't too restricting, but also not too informal. I found that for essays like the California Dream, it was helpful to gain ideas on the prompt from looking at the blogs of fellow classmates. It was also great to have feedback from the comment sections to learn about everyone else's opinion on my posts. It was also pretty fun to decorate and personalize. Blogging was a lot different from class discussion because more people voiced their opinions and could show their own personalized evidence and examples. I also love that there wasn't as much pressure to be formal like on our essay assignments, so I was a little more comfortable in my writing. With all that said however, I'll probably stick to Facebook for posting my ideas and opinions. Still I may check back into my blog every now and then if the mood strikes. Overall it was fin and I enjoyed the experience.

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